Assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE)
The ASYE programme is delivered by your employer based on the Skills for Care national framework.
Assessed and supported year in employment (ASYE)
For newly qualified social workers to develop their skills, knowledge and professional confidence.
Social work leadership pathways programme
Leaders can now access self-study social work leadership modules developed in collaboration with the Frontline organisation. These modules are tailored to four levels of leadership:
- practice supervisors
- middle managers
- heads of service
- practice leaders
This will support continuing professional development (CPD).
The original Pathways Leadership programme was funded by the Department for Education and delivered by Frontline between autumn 2022 and summer 2024.
The DCS Leadership Programme
The DCS Leadership Programme (formerly UPON) is funded by the Department for Education and is delivered by The Staff College, The Institute of Public Care, Skills for Care and GatenbySanderson.
The Aspirant Directors Programme
For social work leaders who want to develop the skills to become directors of children's services in the next 3 years.
The New Directors Programme
For new directors of children's services to develop their leadership, management and technical skills.